Monday, March 28, 2011

Trajan Type Specimen Interactive

Presented to my class today. Yes there are imperfections, but I simply can't look at this thing anymore. I have other assignments...
Please Enjoy. Also please note that the document is located at my site, so there will be a couple small ads. No there is not a virus there, stop being a wuss and just click it already. :)


Monday, January 31, 2011

Spring 2011 - Project 1: Visual Definitions

It is Spring semester, and I am in Typography 2 now. No mention has been made about the Typography blogs created last semester. Therefore, I have decided to continue this blog on the side, for fun. I will upload my favorite works from Typography 1 and 2, as more are made. There is little time right now. I have to focus on academics also, boring as they are. Back to work, Matt!!!! ^_^

Friday, November 12, 2010

Type Photography #5

Form + Content #5

This image made by DryBones90, based on original stock image from Box-O-Fox stock. The form is a hand, constructed from words that are associated with the hand such as "wrist" and "arm." This is a great piece that obviously took a lot of time and effort. Kudos to DryBones99 and a job well done.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Typographic Portrait #1

Jim Parsons, AKA Sheldon Cooper from "The Big Bang Theory!"
In this assignment, any letterform was acceptable within any font family. Stretching or altering the letterform however is prohibited. I ended up using a lot of parenthesis, for obvious reasons.
This is my first original typography image on this blog. Enjoy!!

Form+Content #4

Tarek Atrissi Design

This is a design publication in the Netherlands. Here the artist is using the black and white squares of the chessboard to alternate between negative and positive space.
The form is related to the content, as these are posters for a Chess-themed event and even use the word "CHESS" in the design. Remarkable, if not predictable.

Type Photography #4