Friday, September 24, 2010

Form + Content #2

This is the work of Mustafa, a freelance graphic designer from London. (
The form of Jimi Hendrix relates strongly to the content, as the content itself is composed of his own lyrics, from the song "Hey Joe."
The artist used many different variations of font size to create a smooth, seamless transition. It is not too dark or too light, but there is a distinct difference in tone between the background and the foreground (Mr. Hendrix.)
Another element that makes this visually appealing is that you can read most of the song lyrics, it is almost like listening to the song with your eyes.

"Hey Joe" by Jimi Hendrix
Design by Mustafa

Friday, September 10, 2010

Form + Content #1

Drew Struzan

Illustrator of Dreams

I found this design on There was an extensive summary of Drew Struzan, and his career in design. Drew was responsible for the vast majority of the promotional art used in movies for several decades. These include classics such as Star Wars, Back to the Future and Indiana Jones. This piece is presented as one of the many examples of Drew’s art. The content of this movie relates strongly to the form used in the design. What makes this visually interesting (and what makes this piece work so well) is his use of high contrast, as well as the combination of red and black. This gives it a visual impact that draws the viewer into the picture. One can almost feel the heat of their lightsabers clashing. Even those who know nothing of Star Wars can still observe an epic battle in this image, and perhaps, if only for a moment, become tempted by the Dark Side.

Type Photography #1

Type is everywhere. These photos were chosen because 1) The signs are well designed, and/or 2) I like the fonts they used, as seen in the photograph of "GATE B."